If you are a 2013 Senior or Junior you will want to watch this blog. This summer we are kicking up session options and add-ons like no one in our area! We are even starting our "Mini-Sessions for Juniors" this summer. (Watch to see who will be on our Junior Model Rep Team....coming soon) More options, more fun, and more unique images for your senior pics.
Starting today.....over the next few weeks we will be releasing our plans for this summer's portrait sessions. You will have to call for details, since some details are dependent upon what you have in mind. Other than add-ons....this will be the third year in the row we have kept our session and print prices the same with no increases!
Our first is an add-on to your session......we can arrange with your family to have your senior portraits taken at a place you vacation at or have plans on being at this summer. With this add-on the location for your pics will be unique for you. We will scout the area for some great places to shoot......boat houses, beaches, docks, ruins. Then set up the times to shoot with regards to lighting and what outfits to wear. We are even planning on being in Italy this fall, flying into Milan, the fashion capital of the world!
Any questions or ideas you might have, just give us a call. We can work out the details then. Watch us on Facebook......"add" Daniel Hones as a friend and "like" DJHones Photography.
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