Sunday, February 15, 2015

Our Company's Statement: "Professional Imaging by Design"

You might ask "what is design"?  Simply does not "just happen".  We use the schooling and studying we have done over decades of photography to "design" and set up your portrait.  You hear a lot about "I am a natural light photographer".   Sure we use the great lighting our Creater has provided us, and we add it to our lighting control arsenal as needed.  We will use what it takes to make a great portrait, whether it be subtractive lighting, strobes for fill, studio lights to over power the sun, or reflective lighting,  all controlled with wireless radio controllers for balancing the lighting ratios.  This to provide you with portrait art of your senior or junior session.  

I use the term "art"......and not "provide you with a CD of all the images we shot".  Oops....that's another posting for later.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow! The photo is incredibly beautiful! So bright and grean! I love it.
